Be Kind, Rewind #l2ipa

“Be Kind, Rewind” is the phrase you might remember on the VHS tapes rented from a local video store. If you did not rewind the tape you rented, you could possibly find a small fine on your account the next time you checked out. While listening to 80s music on a road trip with my family this weekend, this phrase reminded me about how much I loved walking around the video store to view the many choices and it slowed me down to reflect on our current reality. As information continues to flood our team beyond the daily expectations of instruction, we will slow down and rewind to:

  • celebrate current successes,
  • inquire & connect,
  • ensure clarity, and
  • clear up confusion.

As Brene Brown shares, clear is kind. My goal this week is to ensure that kindness is consistently occurring by:

  • listening to seek first to understand any confusion,
  • providing clarity, and
  • communicating again in a different or better way.

Allowing for time to rewind and prevent small fines of confusion from accruing each week will lead to abundant success and a peaceful learning environment for all stakeholders.

Rise Up & Lead

Feedback…the wise listen and own what can be changed and improved.

Taking action on our daily reflection is the pathway to growth. My goal this school year is to share my weekly learnings through this blog. I hope that I can continue to share positive inspiration to motivate actions that lead us to support students, teachers, and families as we embrace our learning journey.

Our school theme this year is Rise Up & Lead. I am in awe of how our team has positively embraced the challenges and changes we continue to work through with a different start to the school year. With this, I am reminded that it will take our collaboration to ensure we maintain collective teacher efficacy. With change being our only constant, we must:

  • believe in each other,
  • know our plans may have kinks and need revisions; however, all of us want what is best for students,
  • communicate, communicate, communicate,
  • give grace… seek first to understand, and
  • problem solve together.
Thank you, Jessica Eaton, for designing the logo for our theme this year!